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to help comfort and reassure cats, while they cope with a challenging situation and/or help prevent or reduce the stress caused to a cat during a change in their environment.

By mimicking the cat’s natural facial pheromones, FELIWAY® creates a state of familiarity and security in the cat's local environment.
As a result, FELIWAY® can be used to help comfort and reassure cats, while they cope with a challenging situation and/or help prevent or reduce the stress caused to a cat during a change in their environment. 
FELIWAY® is proven to help in reducing stress related to behavioural problems such as scratching and spraying. Clinical trials show a reduction in urine spraying in up to 91% of households and a reduction in scratch marking behaviours in up to 96% of households.



FELIWAY®  is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone used by cats to mark territory as safe and secure.



To prevent or use during

  • Urine marking
  • Vertical scratching
  • Multicat households
  • Following a disruption to the cats’ environment (redecoration, visitors, new pets, new baby)
  • To help a cat to settle in a new environment (after moving house, during kitten socialization, following adoption)
  • For transportation or during a stay in a cattery
  • During fireworks



FELIWAY® Diffuser

  • Electric plug-in diffuser and 24 ml bottle of FELIWAY®
  • Covers approximately 500 to 750 square feet



  • 60 ml spray bottle
  • For direct application
  • For spot uses such as carriers and cages

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