Vaccination Services Program

C.H.I.C.K. Program to assist our customers get the best results from their vaccines, their equipment and labor while EGGS Program is a comprehensive service package to improve the quality of breeder and layer birds vaccination and therefore helping producers...

C.H.I.C.K. Program

To assist our customers get the best results from their vaccines, their equipment and labor; we introduced in 2009 the Ceva Hatchery Immunisation Control Keys Program, or simply the C.H.I.C.K. Program. It is a complete service package to improve quality of Day Old Chicks and In Ovo vaccination.

  • We help manage the vaccination program so our customers spend more time on their priorities
  • We work on improving the quality of vaccination and on achieving good quality chicks
  • We ensure the equipment is in sound working condition
  • We train our customer staff in good vaccination procedures

More information on C.H.I.C.K. Program


EGGS Program

Long living birds need a well established immunity to help them cope with eventual disease challenges in the farms. The EGGS Program is a comprehensive service package to improve the quality of breeder and layer birds vaccination and therefore helping producers obtain the maximum performance of their flocks.

More information on EGGS Program

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