Desvac Hatch Spray is a semi-automatic cabinet sprayer, which can be used for spray vaccination of day-old chicks.

Desvac Hatch Spray is a semi-automatic cabinet sprayer, which can be used for spray vaccination of day old chicks. The frame is made of stainless steel and uses a roller system for light handling of the crates. You can adapt the height of the machine to your convenience.
The vaccine bottle is autoclavable and has a capacity of 5 litres. We use a four nozzle system and according to the nozzles you use you can generate droplets with an average droplets size of 137 up to almost 300 microns. We recommend a minimum spray volume of 15 ml but if you want you can reduce this according to your own requirements. The maximum spray volume is set at 24 ml per spray.
The cabinet sprayer is equipped with a counter that counts all the crates you have sprayed. For the operation this cabinet sprayer needs compressed air supply of 4 – 9 bars (57 – 128 PSI). Although the air used for the system does not come in contact with the vaccine, the air is filtered twice (automatic purge filters) in order to guarantee good functioning of the machine. We have placed a stainless steel collection plate under the roller system to collect any excess of spray liquid. You can use our water sensitive paper to check correct spray coverage of the crates. Dimensions: 106 x 70 x 45 cm, weight 52 Kg. One person can vaccinate 40,000 to 50,000 of day-old birds per hour.

To find out more about Desvac Hatch Spray, visit site.


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