Cevac IBird Launch in Malaysia 2015 >
‘Healthy Chickens start from Hatchery with emphasis on Infectious Bronchitis Protection’ at the Empire Hotel, Subang on the 5th of February 2015

Vaccinology Seminar 2014 >
One of the major events organized by Ceva Animal Health Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.and Agritech Enterprise Sdn. Bhd at Holiday Inn, Melaka on 11 June 2014.

Layer Day 2014 >
Management of ventilation system plays an utmost important role in respiratory disease control in different type of housing system.

Vec Tour 2013 >
The Great Shift of Broiler Industry was the theme of Vec Tour 2013 held at the Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel on 17 September 2013.

Layer Tour 2013 >
The very first Layer Tour 2013 was co-organized by Ceva Animal Health Malaysia and Agritech Enterprise at Equatorial Hotel, Melaka on 5th June 2013.

Perfect Pair 2013 >
Newcastle Disease (ND) and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) are detrimental to poultry production, particularly broiler production and cause huge impact when outbreaks occur in the farms.
VecTour 2012 - The Future Is Here >
23 October 2012 marked the historical day for Ceva Animal Health Malaysia as we welcomed the arrival of Vectormune® HVT-NDV, the 1st Vector Vaccine registered in Malaysia.
The 24th VAM Congress 2012 >
The 24th VAM Congress 2012 was held at Marriott Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur from the 21st to 23rd of September 2012, carrying the title ‘One Health: Transforming the Future’.
Ceva University Asia 2012 >
One of the major event organized by Ceva Animal Health Asia Pacific in partnership with the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand from 21st to 25th May, 2012.
Hatchery Vaccination Summit Asia 2012 >
Ceva Animal Health Asia Pacific held the first ‘Hatchery Vaccination Summit Asia' - The Future is Today’ on Jeju Island, South Korea from April 26 – 27, 2012